Why do women opt to put up with wife battering?
Few reasons:
a) They are not financially independent. Therefore they have no choice as they depend on their husband for their next meal.
b) They are not aware of the laws prevalent with regard to the issue
c) They worry about their kid’s future without their husband.
d) In some cases the wife may be educated, employed, still she would not opt out as she is used to certain luxuries like a holiday abroad annually, car, etc
e) Some wives may not opt out as in an Indian society its difficult to settle down again as people look down on separated women unless she is rich or a celebrity.
Few precautions for married women:
a) It’s a must be financially independent. And this is not only to take care from wife beating but also in case of uncertainties like husbands premature death etc
b) Be aware of the rules by talking to a lawyer friend
f) If they have to worry about their kids future, then they must realize that by living in such a disturbed environment the kid would be more affected than by living with a single parent
c) Be practical while taking the decision and rely on reasons like luxuries
d) Please do not care what the world might say as it’s your life at stake and only you should be responsible for your decision. This looking good factor in front of the world cost many of us to suffer just to please the world .
i can understand why women may stay with an abusive man if totally dependent on him but if a woman stays with an abusive man simply because of children i find that reasoning flawed. is that really the kind of environment children should be in? i think the child would benefit more from a single parent home than growing up within an abusive household